Many products are available but a simple level-term policy, where a pre-decided lump sum is paid out should you die within a stated period, is among the simplest to arrange and is typically not very expensive. As a rule of thumb, life cover should provide ten times the main breadwinner’s income. The amount should cover any outstanding debts, including mortgage, regular outgoings, potential university fees and so on. The term should reflect the needs of your dependants; Children will probably need support until they leave education and a partner may need it until pensionable age.
A joint policy will cover you and your partner, paying out on the first death within the term. Alternatively, you can have separate single-life policies; a little more expensive but potentially two payments. A young, fit individual should find life cover affordable. Be open about your lifestyle, especially if you have existing medical issues. Premiums rise with age, lifestyle factors, such as smoking and other factors that affect your life expectancy.
As with all insurance policies, conditions and exclusions will apply.
We understand that from time to time our clients may find themselves dealing with circumstances that could mean they are potentially vulnerable. For example, a change in health, caring for a family member, or coping with the loss of a loved one. There are many different types of vulnerability, and what makes one person vulnerable might not affect someone else. When we are vulnerable, our need for financial advice may change. However, admitting vulnerability or seeking help can sometimes feel hard.
If this is something you would like to discuss with us, please ask for a copy of our support guide or download a copy here. This guide is designed to help explain vulnerability and the ways in which we might be able to support you. If you feel any of the circumstances in the brochure apply to you, please talk to us
Approved by The Openwork Partnership on 26/06/2024.
Strong Mortgage Solutions is a trading name of Martin Strong which is an appointed representative of The Openwork Partnership, a trading style of Openwork Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
The information on this website is subject to the UK regulatory regime and is therefore targeted at consumers based in the UK.
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